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Bulk Trash Pick-up

Bulk trash consists of materials that are too large and must not be placed in the garbage or recycling container. Materials such as furniture, large appliances, mattresses, toilets and large amounts of vegetation are often considered bulk trash. Bulk trash is currently collected from city-serviced residences four times each year. 

Please be aware that the weeks of bulk trash placement and collection can invite possible illegal dumping. It is important to stay vigilant and report any kind of suspicious activity to the police or the Public Works Department. 

City ordinance allows nine days prior to the scheduled collection week to place bulk trash out for collection. It is a violation of city ordinance to place trash out before the listed “Placement Begins On” date. Please separate your green organics bulk from the bulky trash.

  • Bulk trash must be placed out by 6 a.m. on the “Collection Begins Week Of” date.

  • If you have curbside collection of trash containers, place your bulk trash on the edge of your property, parallel to the street or curb and away from any fixed objects (see illustration "Curbside placement" below). 

  • Bulk trash crews will only pick up piles placed close to the edge of your property. 

  • If you have alley collection of large black trash containers, place your bulk trash along the alley wall in neatly stacked piles (see illustration "Alley placement" below).


May 8

Bulk Trash Placement

May 22

Community Bike Ride